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Meeting Notes versus Meeting Minutes

Meeting Notes vs Minutes


Whether it was a good or bad meeting, every meeting will have its notes – quick references, ideas, and data. There are two main kinds of meeting documentation – meeting notes and meeting minutes.

But before you choose which one you need to do, you have to know the difference. So what does how do you know which one is which?

The Similarities & Differences Between Meeting Documentations

Both meeting notes and minutes reference particular things discussed between two parties. To avoid missing out on talking points, both types of meeting documentation are necessary.

Meeting minutes are typically more formal. From having a more formal language and precise documentation, meeting notes are for meetings that require reports. Additionally, meeting notes are their more casual counterparts, with minimal structure and necessary documentation.

How to Structure Better Meeting Documentation

While there are uses for both types of meeting documentation, here are several questions to ask to make sure that you never miss out on anything important:

What are the meeting objectives? Every meeting has a particular reason. It is your job to make sure that it becomes resolved. To fulfill the meeting objectives, one must know the different agendas from the various stakeholders and break it down into the relevant discussion points before a final decision.

Tips for a more complete meeting data

Who are in attendance?

All meetings have their attendees. In well-documented meeting notes, the decision-makers should be there. If not, you have to take note of who they sent in their place. When the meeting’s decision depends on a quorum, otherwise known as a majority vote, this is especially relevant and important

When and where was the meeting held?

For larger companies that have multiple executives moving from one meeting to another, knowing when and where meetings venues are to help distinguish them. Every day, there are dozens of crucial meetings happening across companies, so it’s best to note down which one you are actually attending.

Agenda Summary

At the end of each meeting should be an agenda summary of finalized decisions. Agenda summaries should be repeated and confirm that what you’ve written is correct to make sure that everyone moves forward in an aligned manner.

Next Steps

A mark of a good meeting is when everyone who leaves it knows the next steps necessary and commit to doing so. By documenting the specific commitments moving forward, you can build accountability with the attendees involved in the meeting.


CRM Data Entry is Better with Hey DAN

While it’s not impossible to take great notes and minutes, it can be a handful for people on the go. Meeting notes on paper can get lost, and even the ones on your laptop are not always the most secure.

Thankfully, Hey DAN’s CRM Data Entry service through their Voice to CRM Solution is initiated with just a single call, you can say every detail discussed in the meeting and surely that the system will have it in very timely manner. With Hey DAN, you’ll never miss an important meeting detail ever again.