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How to Spot a Rising Sales Star

How To Spot a Rising Sales Star


Great salespeople don’t just happen. They are a combination of natural affinity to sales and the right environment to succeed. In a sea of job hunters and aspiring salespeople, how do you spot a rising star that will take your team to the next level?

Active Listener & Empath

Everyone knows how to listen, but to listen effectively? That’s a rare skill. Most people listen with the intent of replying. Because they have a goal to close deals quickly, many salespeople fall into this trap and make it hard to form a genuine relationship and connection with your lead.

Outstanding sales representatives will know how to read the conversation. They’ll be able to hear what customers want from your product or services. They’ll know how it will fit into their lives. Empathetic salespersons can also give valuable feedback to your product teams about how to improve it.

Great Communicator

Sales require meeting various kinds of people, one after the other. Salespeople need to blend in when meeting their prospective clients. From coffee shops to board rooms, they have to know how to adjust their situation.

You can tell when a person knows their stuff when they can easily explain complicated things. Excellent communicators can adjust their language, tone, and energy with what the conversation demands. Great salespeople can speak to everyone from the staff to the CEO without losing their attention.


Sales go beyond just closing a deal. It’s a process that requires relationship management that sometimes lasts a lifetime. After meeting a client for the first time, salespeople need to remember little details that show they care – birthdays, anniversaries, coffee preferences.

Trust takes time and consistency to build. Salespeople know that it’s not just about who you know, but who you continue to have a relationship with.


Anyone who comes from sales knows that everyone goes through difficult times. Dry spells are part of every seasoned salesperson’s book of experiences. During periods of uncertainty, exceptional salespeople view it as an opportunity. They’ll look hard times as drivers to do and be better.

Great salespeople can see the silver lining in every situation. They know that tough times don’t last, but tough people do. No matter what happens, their next sale is on the verge of happening.

Once you find these traits in a sales team member, you’ll know that this is a person who will be an essential part of your team. After hiring the best possible people, the next challenge for every company is to give them everything they need to succeed.

Salespeople spend 66% of their time working that isn’t related to their primary function. Sales enablement platforms like Hey DAN rid them of time-consuming responsibilities such as data entry, expense tracking, and note-taking – leaving room for the things that matter.

Don’t waste their talent and their time doing tedious administrative work that someone else can do. Make sure that your salespeople stay at the top of their game and focus on what they do best – selling.

Why is CRM Important

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) technology is a widely popular sales enablement tool that allows you to track key details and activities about your customers and opportunities, clarifying your sales process in order to move your reps through the pipeline more efficiently, thus generating increased sales and increased revenue. Simply put: CRM helps you organize and leverage complex data. Today, some form of CRM solution is recommended in almost every sales enablement plan. Why is CRM so popular? For one thing: it works. Companies that have high CRM adoption rates among sales reps show increased efficiency and increased revenue (Source: Nucleus Research https://nucleusresearch.com/research/single/crm-pays-back-8-71-for-every-dollar-spent/).

Let’s look more closely at some of the valuable insights that Customer Relationship Management technology can provide for your company.


Successful selling is all about expertly managing your customer interactions. Customer Relationship Management Solutions provide an intelligent framework for doing just that. Your customer details and interactions come together to create customer profiles that offer a new way to visualize customer retention.


Customer Relationship Management technology helps you to easily visualize your sales pipeline at any given moment. Know how many deals you’ve won; how many deals you’ve lost; and see details about deals in progress all in one place. Information about clients and tasks is shared seamlessly between teams and team members to keep track of deadlines and next steps.


Many CRM solutions include some level of automated data entry and email marketing, freeing up your sales team to score more leads. Reminders guide sales reps along the sales pipeline efficiently, resulting in less missed opportunities. Collecting and storing data allows you to track the conversations and marketing materials that lead to conversions, and generating reports provides a wealth of valuable information about deals won and lost.


CRM data can give you a clear picture of your customers and sales pipeline, shared across all teams, thus providing you with insight into your sales processes that can ultimately lead to higher conversions. What was once millions of bits of unconnected data, harnessed by CRM technology becomes a robust and living picture window into your company’s lifeline.