Debunking common CRM Adoption Myths

CRM adoption is a common issue for companies trying to initially use a CRM software. Most people are aware of this fact, but as to the reason behind it? The answers are quite vague, but they do have one thing in common: misinformation. The second biggest reason for CRM adoption failure, next to the natural human tendency to resist change, is the lack of proper knowledge. Fortunately, both reasons can be worked upon, with the implementation of CRM adoption strategies, accompanied by proper training.

To tackle the issue of CRM misinformation, here are some of the most prominent CRM myths that hinder your company’s adoption:

CRM is unnecessary extra work

Many employees feel that CRM is merely extra work, contrary to its initial purpose which is to increase efficiency in the workplace. People don’t like the idea of changing and adjusting to new ways of doing things, especially if they’re content with how their set ways have been serving them. Plus, CRM requires training and constant use, before it becomes a natural part of an employee’s workflow, which makes the beginning stages of adoption difficult.

In reality, CRM is necessary to improve your company overall. A statistic by Salesforce shows that with the use of CRM, sales increased by 29%, productivity by up to 34%, and sales forecasts improved by 40%. As with “extra work”, CRM, if used the right way, can reduce the number of manual admin tasks. It has features that can automate email marketing, track customer data, contact information, etc.

The only problem is that perhaps your users are not aware of these benefits and how to harness them….yet. That’s why they think of it as a nuisance. Before anything else, inform your users of the gaps in your current state, and how CRM can help with those gaps. Show them the benefits of using CRM for the long-term, to help them understand why the shift is ultimately a good thing.

CRM is only for IT or Techy people

Technically, CRM is a kind of digital software, so it can be easy to believe that it is something that only techy people can use, or even understand. This myth can even be used as an excuse for non-IT people to not use CRM. They may be intimidated by the technology aspect of it, especially since it’s not a very familiar thing to them. However, with proper training, anyone can use a CRM.

Think about it, many of the apps that we use today are programs made with code, such as Facebook, Google, and even Spotify. IT people aren’t the only ones using them, everyone is. Programs and apps just need a little bit of exploring, and some time to get used to. CRM is the same.

Besides, CRM stands for “Customer Relationship Management”, and we all know that the IT department’s direct job is to maintain the company’s computer systems, not to manage customer relations. CRM is mainly a database that serves to improve sales and marketing. This leads us to the next myth:

CRM is only for Salespeople

According to a research report by Capterra, the sales department is said to be the biggest user of CRM software across industries. However, it also states that next to the sales department, marketing, customer service, IT, finance, and HR, also use CRM.

Salespeople just happen to use CRM more due to the nature of their work, which is to interact with customers, but that doesn’t mean that CRM is exclusive to them only. It is a shared database. It can be used to craft better marketing campaigns, to track sales and ROI, billing, notes, contacts, and even employee performance. Therefore, CRM can be used and accessed across all departments.

CRM demands a ton of Manual Data entry from its users

This might’ve been true in the early days of CRM. Back then, CRM was typically managed on-site and was hosted using company servers. This meant that it was hard to access or use, away from the company/office. Mobile solutions weren’t available because they can be very expensive to set up, and users are forced to pump data manually into the CRM through typing,during working hours. Instead of having more time to do productive work, users become stuck having to input huge amounts of data.

Some of these methods are still in use today, however, manual data entry is undeniably inefficient and over the years, there have been many innovations in CRM to reduce this burden.

Many CRM systems are now cloud-based, which means they can be accessed via the internet. Mobile CRMs have also been popular over the years. It increases accessibility and allows users to input data anytime, anywhere. Additionally, manual data entry is becoming less of a problem due to crm data entry software solutions, and automation. Many new CRM systems have found ways to capture information and automatically enter the necessary data, without users having to manually input anything.

One prominent innovation that lets you do this is Voice to CRM. The user only needs to speak, and that’s it. Data is perfectly collated and entered into the right fields, making data entry more efficient.

CRM systems are at risk for Data Leaks and Theft

Lastly, users may be hesitant to use CRM for fear that the important data entered into it may be breached and stolen by hackers. Unfortunately, this is a real risk with CRM. Just like any other database, data breaches can happen. However, the chances of such security threats are quite minimal, given that the company follows best security practices.

Many, if not all, cloud-based CRM providers consider these risks. Precautionary measures such as restrictions in the IP address range, firewalls, login security, and data encryptions are typically set in place to secure your data.

Security can also be doubly strengthened on the company’s end, by doing regular updates, following security protocol, managing access levels, and training your users on how to keep CRM data secure. Doing these can help users feel safe and less fearful in using CRM, leading to better adoption. Moreover, with security threats out of the way, the CRM benefits will outweigh the risk of a possible data breach.

Bottom line: There are many misconceptions when it comes to CRM. It is the CRM administrator’s job to clear any misunderstandings that may be preventing company-wide CRM adoption, so make sure to communicate the benefits of CRM, and debunk common myths.